Preventing Alzheimer’s disease

As the exact cause of Alzheimer’s disease is still unknown, there is no way to prevent the condition. However, there are some steps that you can take which may help to delay the onset of dementia.

For example, you can help to prevent vascular dementia, as well as cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and heart attacks, by:

Read more information about preventing dementia.

Staying mentally active

There is some evidence suggesting that rates of dementia are lower in people who remain as mentally, physically, and socially active as possible throughout their lives, and also among those who enjoy a wide range of different activities and hobbies.

Some activities that may reduce the risk of developing dementia include:

  • reading
  • writing for pleasure
  • learning foreign languages
  • playing musical instruments
  • taking part in adult education courses
  • playing tennis
  • playing golf
  • swimming
  • group sports, such as bowling
  • walking

There is no evidence that playing ‘brain training’ computer games reduces the risk of dementia.

Future research

Research into Alzheimer’s disease is continuing, and as more is revealed about the condition, other ways to treat or prevent it may be found. However, research does not always produce successful results.

You can read more information about ongoing dementia research on the Alzheimer’s Research UK website.

The National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) has advised that there is no evidence yet to support the use of the following to prevent dementia: