‘I didn’t know I had osteoporosis until I fractured two vertebrae’

Dorothy Borbas was diagnosed with osteoporosis at 75 years of age.

“I discovered that I had osteoporosis in 1999, three days after I turned 75. I was in bed and had a cramp in my leg. When I got out of bed to stop the cramping, I fell and fractured two vertebrae. Before my fractures, I didn’t realise that I had osteoporosis. It was some time before I received a firm diagnosis from the hospital. I then sought the help of the National Osteoporosis Society (NOS). 

“The NOS provided me with an absolute lifeline. I was able to speak at length with a nurse who put my mind at ease and gave me detailed information on diet, exercise and treatments.

“I joined my local NOS support group. I am now an active member and enjoy helping to organise local fundraising activities.”