Are You O+ve? Foods You Should Eating More

When focusing on diet and nutrition, few people think to consider what blood type they are, but new research has shown that this may be the very key to working out what you should be eating. The wellness and wellbeing of those with blood type O Positive has been under the spotlight recently, with recent studies showing that blood type can have a strong effect on how you lose or gain weight, and that this has a relationship with the types of food that you should focus on.


Scientists now believe that if you eat foods that are incompatible with your blood type – even if they are traditionally healthy or diet foods – you are unlikely to lose weight or feel healthy. If you are blood type O Positive, you are probably now wondering what foods you should be eating or avoiding: we have the answers here.


Those with O+ve blood tend to have slightly acidic pH levels, and should thus eat a variety of fruits to help provide an alkalising effect on the body, to normalise the pH levels. Good choices include bananas, plums, prunes, figs, pineapples, black cherry, guavas, blueberries, mangoes and nuts. People with O Positive blood should avoid coconuts, oranges, avocados, blackberries, honeydew and cantaloupe melons, tangerines and strawberries.


Type O individuals also tend to have low hormone levels caused by poor thyroid function. Vegetables such as lettuce, sweet potatoes, onions, pumpkin, broccoli, Swiss chard, parsnips and kale can help to balance things out and strengthen your immune system. You should avoid cabbages, sprouts and cauliflower, as these can exacerbate hormone imbalances.


Eating more protein is extremely advisable for those with Type O blood, and this can come from lean meats such as skinless turkey, chicken, beef and lamb, and egg whites can also be used. Fatty meats should be avoided. Fish is also considered very important, with fish such as salmon, co, kelp, tuna and halibut being particularly helpful.

Bloodblood typedieteatingfoodsnbspO+veph levelstype