How to Ensure That You Have a Healthy, Balanced Vegan Diet

If you are on a vegan diet, finding adequate nutrition in your food to maintain your wellness and wellbeing can be a bit of a challenge. You do have to work a little bit harder to get all of your nutrients – but of course this is true of any diet that you go on.


Eating a balanced diet is important for everyone, no matter what age they are or what kind of diet they follow. Being a vegan does not have to overly complicate your life though – there are lots of ways to keep your vegan diet simple but enjoyable at the same time.


Raw food is a good way to go when you are a vegan – and raw food is extremely good for you. Raw food is especially appealing in summer, as it is easier to keep cool if you are not having to cook or eat hot food. Make sure that you keep a wide variety of veggies, legumes, fruits and nuts in the house. Mix and match these each day, making sure that you get enough nutrients – such as protein from the nuts and beans alongside carbs and vitamins from a salad.


Colour coding is something that you can do when you are a vegan too. Generally, ever colour of vegetable represents a different nutrient, and so when your plate looks like a rainbow, you know that you are getting a varied diet. This can be especially easy to do with salads, where you can add salad vegetables in a variety of colours.


Soup is also a staple for vegans. A bean base can be used to add protein to the diet and then you can add any number of colourful veggies. It keeps really well, too, and you can refrigerate leftovers and eat it for days.

balanceddietFoodnbspnutritionnutsraw foodveganVegan Diet