Anti Depressants V/S Diet and Nutrition- What’s Better?

The mental and emotional wellness of Americans is a serious issue, as recent figures show us that up to half of all Americans are taking some form of prescribed anti-depressant drug. Although anti-depressants have an important role to play in improving the wellbeing of those with depression, doctors are advised not to overlook another very important thing that can help to seriously improve the outlooks of those with depression, and that is diet and nutrition.


Anti-depressants are commonly prescribed, and in many cases they are necessary, however, there are cases where other options should be explored either as well as or instead of the drugs. All too often, anti-depressants are seen as a quick fix, but in reality the problem has even deeper roots. Much as you cannot get rid of weeds from your garden without doing a bit of digging, you often cannot get rid of depression with doing a bit of digging to find the root cause. Anti-depressants don’t do this – they simply treat the symptoms of the problem.


Physical health has a really strong link to emotional health, and depression can frequently be linked to a physical issue, which a change of diet and nutrition could significantly improve. Paying attention to following a healthy and nutritious diet can help to boost your metabolism, balance out all your hormones and build up a resistance to depression, right at the roots.


Diets that are high in protein but low in fat are particularly good. Protein is food for the brain, and when you feed your brain it will work more effectively. Avoid fatty meat and go for things like salmon, nuts, tuna, legumes and soy for your protein. Steer clear of any food treated with steroids – such as some dairy products – as these can trigger depressive episodes. You should also make sure that you get a diet that is rich in omega-3 oils which help to reduce inflammation in the whole body – including in the brain.
