How to Tone Up Your Body’s Most Difficult Trouble Zones

How to Tone Up Your Body’s Most Difficult Trouble Zones

When it comes to losing weight and improving fitness, everyone has their own particular trouble zones. Your wellness and wellbeing should be your primary concern, but of course you want to improve the areas of your physique that you dislike the most.


Complaining and feeling miserable about your flabby stomach, wobbly arms or big bum will not change anything, but diet and exercise certainly will.


It is impossible to lose weight just on certain areas of your body, because when you lose fat it occurs all over the body, but it is possible to build up your muscles in certain areas of the body in order to make sure that the structure underneath the skin is toned. When the fat melts away then you will be left with a lovely toned muscle structure underneath.


The three most common areas that people want to tone up is the tummy, the saddlebags and the underarms (also known as bingo wings in some circles!) With a little bit of a planning and a lot of hard work, you can blast these trouble zones for good.


Belly flab is probably the biggest insecurity, and belly fat is also the worst for your health. Belly fat is a classic sign that your diet is really poor, so the best way to get rid of it is to clean up your diet and get rid of any sugars, processed foods and saturated fats. Add healthy food and then add in a bit of toning in the forms of plank work and cardio.


Saddlebags are the area on the outside of your hips, usually accompanied by some lovely cellulite. To get rid of these unsightly bulges, squat your legs and do some work whilst in a squat position. Do some glut work as well, such as deadlifts.


Finally, you can firm up your bingo wings with all kinds of arm exercises, kickbacks, extensions and pushups.

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