What’s the Price Tag on Your Smile? Ways to Improve Your Teeth

There are plenty of reasons to fear a trip to the dentist. Most of these fears are irrational, but one of them is completely logical. That is the fear of over paying for good dental care. No one likes to spend money to sit in an uncomfortable chair and be prodded by a dentist, especially with the outrageous costs of treatment. However, there are ways to be frugal, even when it comes to medical aid.


Cash Discount

Some dentists offer cash discounts. Not everyone has the cash upfront to cover a dental bill, but if you do, you can probably save yourself some money in the long run. Credit card payments take time to fully process, and they can sometimes cause problems for the dental office. Because of this, many dentists appreciate cash payments and sometimes offer rewards for them. You can always talk to your dentist to see if he or she would be willing to practice such a method, if they do not already.

Strategic Appointments

It is possible to separate a major dental appointment into two smaller visits that land on the end of one coverage year and the beginning of another. This way you can avoid exceeding your coverage limit by only adding half of the cost of a major appointment to your current year. Many dentists are willing to work with patients in this way. However, most patients are unaware of this option.

Clinical Studies

Many clinics often ask patients to participate in studies, allowing them to get dental work done for free. If you need to get your wisdom teeth removed, but can’t foot the bill, you might try looking into one of these studies—you could get this procedure done for free! A Salt Lake City wisdom teeth research clinic has been able to offer patients in Utah free wisdom teeth removal—making it possible for them to have this necessary procedure done without breaking the bank.

Revolving Payment Plan

One way to deal with massive dental bills is to break them down into smaller payments that can be dealt with over time. Many dental offices are willing to set up a revolving payment plan that allows patients to pay a portion of the bill every week or month. There are usually no interest fees, and most dentists will be lenient with long time patients.

Preventative Care

The best way to save money on dental care is to avoid it altogether. This does not mean that you should let your teeth rot out of your head. Instead, try to take home dental care more seriously. Brushing twice a day is great, but flossing is the best preventative dental care there is. Most dental problems are related to gum health, so be sure to floss twice a day to keep your gums strong and healthy. This will save you money by preventing gum disease and other health problems.


Medical bills are one of the largest expenses nation wide. There is no harm in trying to find new and innovative ways to save money on your dental bill. The best way to do this is to simply talk with your dentist. If they care about their patients, then they will be willing to offer advise on how to best handle your medical bills.

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