How to Go on a Diet Without Feeling Like You’re Dieting

Keeping an eye on your nutrition is the surest route to wellness and wellbeing. There are various diets that you can try, with varying success rates, but the best kinds of diet are the non-diet diets – the ones that don’t make you feel that you are actually on a diet at all.


One such diet is called the Mediterranean diet, and it’s more of an eating plan, or even a way of life than an actual diet as such. It basically involves copying the eating habits of those who live in the Mediterranean all year round. This type of eating has been proved to reduce incidences of heart disease and prologue life.


This is most likely because the diet is rich in antioxidants, such as olive oil, almonds, broccoli and a glass of wine here and there. Long term, allowing yourself indulgences such as the occasional glass of wine is actually very sensible, as you can otherwise end up feeling very restricted and deprived, and this is when the willpower gives in and you end up chucking the diet away altogether.


There is another diet called volumetrics, and this one basically involves eating a lot without eating a lot. Confused? To simplify, when you are on this diet, you look at the size and volume of the meal as well as the actual calorie contents. One of the most difficult things about being on a diet is coping with the hunger pangs, and if you are doing volumetrics, this just doesn’t exist. If you fill yourself up with lots of high volume but lower calorie foods (such as vegetables) you will feel full and like you are eating a lot, but you will not be packing in the calories that you might expect from such a quantity of food.

actualbasically involvesdieteatinglifeMediterraneannbspWellness