What Are the Best Herbs to Help Boost Your Immunity?

What Are the Best Herbs to Help Boost Your Immunity?

Herbs can be part of a healthy diet and using them wisely can boost your wellness and wellbeing. If you are aware of your nutrition (including the use of herbs) you should find yourself having to make less visits to the GP than you otherwise would, as your immune system will be boosted and healthy.


Echinacea is one of the well-known ones, and is great for boosting your immune system. You can either take Echinacea tablets or there is a tea that you can drink, as well as tea blends.


Oregano works as a strong, natural antibiotic, antiviral and anti-fungal agent, and so is considered one of the most powerful herbs. You can cook with oregano, of course (spaghetti Bolognese is always nicer with a sprinkle of oregano) but you can also put a drop of oregano essential oil into a foot spa every day (unless you are pregnant or breast feeding).


Garlic can be used in all kinds of different dishes, and it has a really strong ability to enhance your immune system. Recent studies have shown that garlic also has benefits for the heart, and contains anti-microbial and antineoplastic properties which make it well worth ingesting on a regular basis.


Bright yellow turmeric is an anti-inflammatory, and it contains curcumin which is a powerful antioxidant. It also has stomach soothing and antibacterial properties. You can try taking turmeric capsules or drinking turmeric tea or turmeric milk, or of course you can cook with the spice.


Reishi mushroom is an oriental herb, well known for its anti-inflammatory properties. It can also help to strengthen your immune system and has even been known to fight against cancer. Some people think of this as the ‘elixir of immortality’ as it is thought to protect your immune system from bacteria, viruses, pollution, chemicals, toxicity and molds, all at the same time.
