No relationship is perfect, and every couple has their fair share of trials and tribulations, but that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t protect your family wellness and wellbeing. Looking after your relationship is a vital part of your happiness and your health, and if you take your eye off the ball then you can find yourself missing the signs that there could be real trouble ahead.
How you deal with conflict is the key – every couple has conflict but the way in which you resolve it can signpost the strength of your relationship. You can then find that simple, everyday problems turn into much bigger problems.
There are some warning signs that you can look out for, that will tell you if your relationship is in trouble.
1) Few arguments ever get resolved. This is a common issue where couples argue about this but are unable to find a resolution to the problem and so they simply drop it again and then it stays unresolved.
2) The couple feel like they are walking on eggshells. This can happen when certain topics start to cause problems for the people involved, and so they start to avoid them, and avoid any triggers that may end up raising the topics. This signals a lack of safety in the relationship and puts barriers in the way of communication.
3) Finding it hard to reach out for emotional support. When one (or both) sides of the partnership feel emotionally disengaged from the relationship, there can be real problems. If you don’t trust your partner enough to be emotionally vulnerable with them, then there is a risk to the relationship.
4) You spend less and less time together. When a couple chooses to spend time apart on a regular basis, this is often as the result of emotional disengagement. If you find that this starts to happen, take it as a warning sign to help you get back on track.