An Exercise in Romance: Make Your Partner Your Workout Buddy

An Exercise in Romance: Make Your Partner Your Workout Buddy

There are so many different aspects to your wellbeing that taking care of it can be a full-time job. You have to take care of your fitness, nutrition, mental health, sexual health, relationship wellness, family wellness, corporate wellness…the list goes on and on! While there may not be one activity that encompasses all the aspects of your wellbeing, it’s best to combine things where you can. So how do you take care of your fitness and relationship at the same time? By making your partner your workout partner! With that in mind, we spoke to Stacie Clark, who co-owns a gym with her husband in Plymouth, Minnesota, to ask for her favourite exercises to do with her hubby. Now you can feel the burn and feel the love at the same time!


1. Kneeling Partner Twist: According to Clark, you can ‘strengthen your abs and your bond at the same time with this toner. All you need is a medicine ball (you can use any similar-sized ball if you don’t have one). Kneel on the floor back-to-back, and slowly twist to one side to hand the ball off to your partner (who should be turning toward you). Then twist to the other side as they turn to hand the ball back to you. Continue passing the ball in that direction for 60-90 seconds, and then repeat the exercise in reverse.’


2. Wheelbarrow Push Up with Squat: ‘This upper-body move gives your partner a great view of your butt—which sets the stage some post-workout fun,’ Clark enthuses. ‘Start in the top of a push up, and have your partner hold your feet in their hands. Brace your core, and do as many push ups as you can while maintaining your form. As you lower yourself down, your partner should simultaneously lower into a squat, keeping his or her arms straight and engaging his or her butt muscles. Each of you should do 10-20 reps in each position.’


3. Dynamic Lunge: Clark notes, ‘The key to this move is precise coordination with your partner—and who doesn’t want to feel like they’re in sync with their S.O.? Stand facing your partner, about an arm’s length apart, and hold each other’s hands. Lunge forward with your right leg as your partner lunges backward with their left leg. Reverse the motion, lunging backward with your right leg as your partner lunges forward with their left. Complete 10-12 reps, then switch sides.’


4. Squat & Dip: ‘Have your partner stand one foot from a wall, facing away from it, with their feet shoulder-width apart,’ Clark instructs. ‘Then have them lean back and slide down the wall into a squat until their thighs are parallel to the floor and their knees are directly over their ankles. Their arms should be raised overhead, with their shoulders pressed against the wall. Meanwhile, you should stand 12 to 18 inches in front of your partner, facing away from them. Squat, then rest you palms on their knees, fingers facing forward. Lower yourself by bending your elbows at a 90-degree angle (you should feel it in your arms), then press up back to start. Do 20 reps as your partner holds his or her squat, then switch positions.’


5. Partner Shuffle Drill:Clark directs, ‘Grab a ball—any kind will do—and stand face-to-face with your partner with a few feet of space between you. Slightly bend your knees, and engage your core. When someone says “go,” you should both shuffle about 20 feet in one direction, passing the ball back and forth as you move. Repeat in the opposite direction. Continue for 30 seconds.’

ballbusy scheduleclarkCouplesnbsppartnerpartner lungesSquatWorkout Partner