Could Eggs Be The Key To Improving Your Nutrition?

Could Eggs Be The Key To Improving Your Nutrition?

Eggs are one of the most wonderful natural resources that we have. Any healthy diet should include eggs, and the nutrition that they provide is incredibly beneficial for your wellness and wellbeing in all kinds of ways.


You don’t have to stick to plain old boiled, scrambled, poached or fried eggs, however, you can actually try all kinds of amazing combinations and egg recipes to keep them interesting.


For example, eggs pair beautifully with spinach. This is because just one cup of cooked spinach counts for 1,000 percent of your daily intake of vitamin K, as recommended by doctors, which is great for the health of your bones. Vitamin K is best absorbed when it is eaten alongside other foods that have a little fat in them, such as eggs (it is fat soluble) and so this combination can be great. Spinach also helps by providing nutrients such as magnesium and calcium. To enjoy them together, your can make a very delicious spinach frittata with other vegetables, or try an egg Florentine dish with spinach in.


Believe it or not, eggs also pair really well with cantaloupe. These foods are best paired together at breakfast time, where the energy that they provide could help keep you on the go until lunch. Protein from the eggs also slows down the way that your body absorbs the carbs from the cantaloupe. This helps to minimise insulin and spikes in blood sugar, which are often followed by a crash. This helps to keep cancer, diabetes and other inflammation-based diseases at bay and slows down the way that your body absorbs glucose. To enjoy the foods together, fry an egg and put it over sliced cantaloupe, or have balled cantaloupe and hard-boiled eggs as a mid-afternoon snack when you are feeling peckish.

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