What Are the Health Benefits of High Protein Foods?

What Are the Health Benefits of High Protein Foods?

When it comes to diet and nutrition, one of the best ways to boost your wellness and wellbeing is by making sure that you eat foods that are packed with protein. Protein is great because it helps to repair and rebuild muscles after exercise. Due to the way that the body processes and stores protein, it can also be used to help boost weight loss. Protein shakes can be an effective way of making sure that you get enough protein each day, but there are also lots of natural foods that are packed with protein, many of which have additional benefits for your health.


Many of the natural sources of protein happen to taste fantastic as well. Beef jerky, for example, is pure protein. This is the name given to pieces of dried lean beef that have been preserved in order to allow them to be kept for a long time without going bad. You can keep a bag of jerky around for a delicious high-protein meaty snack at any time.


Tuna steak makes a great meal, being rich in omega-3 fatty acids and various other nutrients, as well as being high in protein. Fresh tuna steak is far more delicious than the canned version and it can be served rare or even just slightly seared.


Unsurprisingly perhaps, pork chops are a fantastic source of protein. They are also packed with selenium, which is a great mineral linked to reducing your risk of prostate cancer. There is way more selenium in pork chops than in similar cuts of beef.


If you’ve got expensive tastes, caviar is also a rich source of protein (as well as being a source of protein for the rich!) It’s also full of something called haemoglobin, a red blood cell component that helps your body to carry oxygen more effectively.

BeefFoodhigh proteinmeatnbsppackedpork chopsProteinsourcetuna steak