Fat-herhood: Five Weight Loss Tips for New Dads

New mothers are often warned that parenthood will have an impact on their waistline, but what about the dads? Wellness writer Frederick J. Goodall, creator of popular fatherhood blog Mocha Dad, admits, ‘After my second child was born, I went on an eating binge. Part of it was induced by stress. I was dealing with several work-related and personal issues. Food offered me comfort and I found myself mindlessly snacking to help ease some of my pain. The other thing that contributed to my overeating was that I really didn’t know how much I was eating. I often indulged in calorie-laden breakfasts, frequent business lunches, and too many sugary drinks. All of these things are fine in moderation, but I subscribed to the “eat, drink, and be merry” line of thinking. I ate whatever I wanted to and didn’t worry about the consequences.’ So how did Goodall get his weight wellness back on track – and how can you do the same?


1. Use Smaller Plates: According to Goodall, ‘The size of a dinner plate has grown significantly over the years and we often feel compelled to cover every square inch of the plate with food. We can better manage our food intake by using smaller plates. Instead of an 11″ plate, use and 8-1/2″ plate. During my weight loss journey, I started using my children’s plates. Although they were much smaller than the “adult plates,” they allowed me to control my portions and reduce my tendency to overeat.’


2. Slow Down: Goodall details, ‘I love the scene in Ratatouille when Remy hands his brother a tasty morsel of food and his brother shoves the whole thing into his mouth and Remy says, “Don’t just hork it down. Chew it slowly. Only think about the taste.” I was like Remy’s brother. I’d gobble down my food in record time without bothering to savour it. Since then, I’ve learned to eat more slowly and I stop eating when I feel full. Even if you have a short time to consume your meal, take small bites and eat more slowly. You’ll enjoy your food more and eat less.’


3. Maintain a Food Journal: ‘Maintaining a food journal was the thing that helped me to stay on track when I was trying to lose weight,’ Goodall recalls. ‘I wrote down every single thing that I ate each day and I was surprised by how much I was consuming. You can track your eating in a notebook or use an online journal such as FitDay. There are several apps available that will help you track your eating too. My favorite is LoseIt. Although documenting your food choices may seem tedious at first, it will make a huge difference in your weigh loss journey. I still use this technique to help me maintain my weight.’


4. Designate “No-Eat Zones” in Your House: Goodall comments, ‘To combat mindless snacking, I have designated “No-Eat Zones” in my house.” Food can only be consumed in the kitchen. This rule prevents me and my family from sitting on the couch and devouring a whole bag of potato chips while mindlessly watching TV. It also makes us more mindful about our food choices because we’re not always seeking snacks that we can carry to other parts of the house.’


5. Make Unhealthy Snacks Less Accessible: ‘Obviously, the best way to resist unhealthy snacks is to not buy them in the first place,’ notes Goodall. ‘However, many of us enjoy eating indulgent snacks periodically. To prevent overindulging, make the unhealthy snacks less accessible. Place the snacks on higher shelves in the pantry or towards the back of the refrigerator. Keep healthy snacks such as fruits and nuts in the forefront.’

eat zonesFoodfood choicesFood Journalgoodallloss journeynew dadsportion controlsmaller platesunhealthy snacksWeight Loss