Scrawny to Brawny: Weight Gain Tips From Guys Like You


If you’ve never been on a wellness forum, you’re missing out. When you’re a skinny guy trying to gain weight, you can feel quite lonely in reaching your goals. The truth is that not everyone out  there is trying to lose weight; there are plenty of blokes like you who are trying to pile on the pounds, and getting on the forums can provide you with loads of tips, as well as a sense of wellbeing. So, here are some excerpts of conversations in forums about how to go from scrawny to brawny.


1. What About Skinny Guys? Northshore71ne wrote, ‘Look, I know that weight loss is of a major concern to most people but let’s not forget us skinny guys. We have it just as bad as other people, same coin, different side. Im 5′ 11″ and weigh about 130 pounds. My body doesn’t have an ounce of fat on it, I have a well defined body and I feel as if I could look just like some of these guys that I see in these pictures. Where is all the advice about gaining the right weight in the right places. I don’t go to a gym because I feel very out of place there. I can’t lift as much as other people and having some women watch me lift small amounts of weights makes me want to run. I don’t even wear shorts in the summer because of my twiggy legs. Where’s the advice that’s going to make a difference? Oh sure… eat more food. Do you think our stomachs can hold that much food without throwing up? It’s time for us skinny guys to stand up and say “Hey! What about us?”.’


2. The Best Book for Gaining Weight: ‘Check out the book Scrawny to Brawny for a comprehensive training/nutrition programme,’ said Ibizan. ‘Simply eating more won’t cut it. You will be eating more, but you need to be eating right.’


3. Eat, Eat, Eat: According to EdChap, ‘It is pretty simple, you need to eat more. What do you want, a get ripped quick pill? Just like the overweight people have to eat less, you need to eat more. If you can’t handle a lot of food in one sitting, eat eight times a day, every two hours. Eat calorie-dense food and you’ll gain weight. It may be tough, but it isn’t easy for overweight people to lose that weight.’


4. Feed Your Muscles: ‘I used to be 6′ 1″ and about 143 lbs,’ ILJF85 recalled. ‘I started going to the gym, but no real results came… then one of the trainers took me aside and told me possibly the most obvious and effective way of putting on mass. She said, “You have to eat, and you have to eat a lot.” So I did… At first I couldn’t stomach it. So I ate as normal and also used meal replacement powders, which didn’t fill me up as much. It eventually kick-started my previously non-existent appetite. I have since gone off that and only take pure protein powder after workouts and before bed. My appetite has increased substantially and I make sure I eat constantly throughout the day and combine this with three to four gym sessions a week. Eight months later I weigh 182 lbs. And I’m glad to say that it’s basically all been good weight. As much as “eat more” sounds like a terrible and result-free option… it’s the only way you’re going to put on mass. Just be ready to buy new shirts.’


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