Four Questions to Ask Your Doctor Before You Start Any Fitness Program


Exercise can be great for losing weight, improving strength, gaining endurance and simply enhancing your overall level of health. However, many people have pre-existing conditions or health concerns that may prevent them from being as active as they would like. If you are one of these people, then you would be well-advised to talk with your doctor before jumping into any type of exercise for the first time. In order to make this conversation easier for you, here are four important questions you need to ask your doctor before starting your fitness program.


Am I Healthy Enough for this Particular Fitness Program?

People who have suffered from or are at risk for certain conditions like heart disease, obesity, diabetes, stroke, arthritis and hypertension should ask their doctor if they are healthy enough for the fitness program they intend to start. Your doctor may advise you against starting a program if it is too strenuous or may aggravate a pre-existing condition you have.


How Often Should I Exercise?

Even if your fitness program has its own built-in schedule, your doctor may decide to reduce the amount of time you exercise each week. This is especially important if you are very out of shape, obese or experiencing joint problems. In these instances, it is often better to start off slow, and then increase your exercise duration and frequency over time.


Will Certain Exercises Interfere with My Medical Treatment?

If you are undergoing treatment for an illness or condition, ask your doctor if the fitness program you intend to start will impede your treatment. If so, your doctor may suggest a different fitness program for you or alter your method of treatment.


Which Types of Exercise are Best for Me?

When speaking with your doctor, you may find out that the fitness program you would like to start is not a good fit for you. Your doctor will be able to tell you whether or not the workouts included in the program will actually help you to reach your intended goals. He or she may also refer you to a physical trainer for an additional consultation.


Not all exercise programs are suitable for everyone and some people require a fully individualized exercise program to suit their needs. If possible, consider hiring a professional to customize your fitness routine and save time with your workout using in-home personal training. NYC fitness expert Leo Bowman suggests that those looking to start a new fitness regimen consult a trainer before seeing a doctor to work out a training strategy that the doctor can then review and alter according to your medical needs. Your doctor will be able to provide advice based on your current and previous medical history, providing a necessary perspective on your pursuit of fitness.



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