State police were investigating a shooting that took place directly off the Shippensburg University campus early Sunday morning.
The shooting took place at around 3 a.m. in the College Park Commons apartment complex where a large group of people were present for a party or similar gathering, said Shippensburg University police Officer Geoffrey Smith. While the commons are adjacent to the university’s football stadium, the shooting technically took place off-campus and falls under the jurisdiction of state police, said university spokesman Bill Morgal.
State police were not immediately available for comment Sunday afternoon.
“Basically we’re trying to focus everything we can with the Pennsylvania State Police … Shippensburg University and Shippensburg University police is assisting with their investigation,” Morgal said. “We have reached out to our students, we informed them of the situation earlier this morning.”
Morgal was not certain if the victim or other involved parties were students, or the extent of the victim’s injuries.
Anyone who witnessed the shooting or who can assist police in their investigation was encouraged to call the Carlisle barracks of the Pennsylvania State Police at 717-249-2121.