Smile with Confidence with Anti-Ageing Lip Tips

Smiling is a positive way to greet the world and can be the first thing people notice about your appearance, so this is why it’s important to include your lips in your skin care routine. Many youth creams target areas of the face that seem to suffer most from the signs of ageing, like under the areas and the forehead, with the lips often neglected. To ensure that your wellness is reflected in your smile take a look at these lip tips.

Don’t Lick

Licking your lips is an easy way to stop them from feeling dry, especially in harsh weather, but the effects are only short term. This is because our saliva contains enzymes that are designed to break down food, but they actually dry out our lips too. If you suffer from dry lips use a specially-designed balm instead to get them moisturised.

Be SPF Friendly

The effects of the sun on your skin can be very damaging, with sunburn being blamed for skin cancers. Your lips aren’t immune from these dangers either so shop for a balm that contains SPF if you’re planning on being out in the sun. Lip balm can also protect your smile from wind, and dry atmospheres, giving them a sheen of wellbeing.

Scrub Gently

Exfoliating products for your face can have an anti-ageing effect because they wash away dead cells to reveal a fresher complexion underneath. Lips can also become dull and discoloured if they are not exfoliated, especially if you’ve eaten staining foods. You can make a natural lip scrub by combining sugar and olive oil – just don’t forget to moisturise the new layer of skin to keep it looking fresh.

Avoid Toxins

Smoking can cause lots of wellness issues, from lung disease to cancer, and it can also have huge effects on our appearance, especially the lip area. This is partly due to dehydration of the surrounding skin caused by smoking and also down to the toxins inhaled, so for a gleaming smile and your wellbeing it’s wise to stub out the habit.