What ageing foods to rule out on your dinner plate

What ageing foods to rule out on your dinner plate

It’s quite clear what foods enhance wellness and the types of ingredients that have the opposite effect. Though you could be eating some meals on a daily basis that may be harming your wellbeing, due to troughs and peaks in your blood sugar that can have ageing effects on your body.

Ruling out wheat

Whole-wheat is linked to high fibre diets, which may reduce the chances of you suffering from bowel disorders and perhaps even cancers. But wheat contains an ingredient that is linked with soaring blood sugar. The ingredient is called amylopectin-A and is a carbohydrate that can cause spikes in sugar levels higher than if you ate pure sugar. This leads many people to rule out wheat to stabilise insulin and energy levels.

Saying no to syrup

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is found in lots of different products so can seem hard to avoid, but a quick look at food labels should reveal whether it contains this substance, which is also referred to as glucose-fructose syrup. It’s more commonly found in corn cereal, golden syrups and corn oils. As well as affecting blood sugar stability, the syrup can have a similar effect on our Omega 3 and 6 oils. This is because it can contain such a large amount of Omega 6 it de-stabilises our natural fatty acid balance.

Staying away from some starches

White rice and white potatoes are stable foods in many homes across the world, but swapping to different varieties could benefit your blood sugar. When insulin levels continually rocket and reduce, the impact could accelerate your ageing. Consider trying brown rice or sweet potatoes for a healthy change that could have anti-ageing effects on your wellness.

Watch out for vegetable oils

Vegetable oils were once upheld as one of the healthiest kinds to eat, as at the time many people were using animal fats to cook and prepare food. After years of these oils being a popular way to fry meat and vegetables, some have been linked to substances that can impact your wellbeing. Corn and soya bean oils can contain a type of polyunsaturated fat that may lead to inflammation in your body, so it’s best to avoid those that have been overly refined as they could have negative effects on your health.
