How to eliminate four myths from your beauty regime

Ageing is inevitable but looking your age doesn’t need to be – there are ways to improve the condition of your skin and start sporting a more youthful glow. There are various ways to achieve this, from creating a health-boosting diet to buying expensive creams, and even surgery. However, there are several myths that women are still falling for, which can hinder the effectiveness of your anti-ageing regime.

Myth 1 – That it’s too late to start

As each year passes, you start to feel more and more in competition with younger people, be it friends and family or models in the magazines. You start to notice more lines and a slackening of the skin, which can be demotivating. This is not the time to give up though – you can still make improvements to your skin, helping you to create a more youthful appearance. It’s never too late to begin, so start introducing an anti-ageing moisturiser into your regime and improve your diet, to include more fruit, vegetables and vitamin E.

Myth 2: It’s too hard

There’s no denying it – losing weight, improving your lifestyle and, yes, improving your appearance, all take effort and determination. It can be very tempting to give up but once you do, you lose all motivation to get back in the swing of things. You don’t need to make gargantuan changes in order to see results – sometimes it is the smaller efforts which glean the most results. Start gently by increasing your exercise, cutting back on sugar which can break down the collagen in the skin, causing a loss of elasticity, and start using moisturisers regularly.

Myth 3: It’s too expensive

Creams, potions, treatments…it all adds up. An effective skincare regime can be pretty pricey, but it doesn’t need to be. Rather than opting for an all-organic weekly shop, just buy organic when you can; likewise, buy the best moisturiser you can afford and use it religiously – some hydration is better than none and will help you to start making improvements.

Myth 4: The more intense the goal, the better

When you’re motivated by the prospect of something, it feels as though nothing can stop you – until you try, fail and lose all interest in carrying on. The best advice is to take things slowly and build up to more achievable goals. Your ideal will still be there to work towards, but you’ll be getting there in a more realistic manner.
