The Emotionally Violent and the Stone Cold Bully

Bullying can haunt you for your whole life. It’s the sort of thing which can stunt your emotional growth and ruin entire years at a time, leaving you hurt and afraid when you should be confident and self assured. The issue with knocks to our confidence is, it’s not like a bump on the head or a scrape on the arm. A psychological wound is far more profound as it’s something you’re constantly aware of. It can take a long time to recover when we’ve had our confidence torn from beneath us, it can take a long time to build that confidence back up again and for some people it never comes back how it once did.

In a lot of recent studies it’s been shown that bullying in the workplace is a real and ever-present issue. Large proportions of those effected resort to medication to help them deal with the stress and depression which this emotional violence can bring about. The workplace is already a stressful place which can causes all sorts of emotional and psychological issues on its own, when you factor bullying into that it becomes a positively toxic environment which is always going to do more harm than good.

There are two ways of dealing with a bully. The first is to get someone more powerful involved and then let them deal with it. The second is to take a stand. Both take courage and both require you to forget about the bully and focus on you. At the end of the day, what’s the worst they can do you? Then ask yourself, is that any worse than what you’re already going through every day? The answer should be fairly simple and leave you with a choice to make, how you make it depends on you but as long as you’re calm and confident you bullying issues should disappear
