Could Eating Well Help Turn Back The Clock?

Fresh, whole foods are the best thing possible for your body. If you want to help prevent the onset of chronic illness, looking at your diet is the most important step you can take. Good food also has incredible anti-ageing effects, which will do far more good than any of the pills and potions you can buy over the counter.

In particular, fruits, vegetables, soy foods, nuts, fish, whole grains and tea can be very beneficial to your wellbeing and can help prevent the signs of ageing and guard against chronic diseases.

Good foods can help protect you against diseases that are particularly associated with ageing, such as cancer, heart disease, diabetes and neurodegenerative diseases. On top of this, they can also boost your overall wellness.

In particular, some foods are often used because of their anti-inflammatory properties, as many people believe that you can reduce your risk of having health complications by eating food that prevents inflammation. An example of this would be when people have anti-inflammatory diets to help treat skin conditions where the skin has become particularly inflamed.

Chronic inflammation occurs when the body’s natural reaction to assault or injury goes into overdrive, and inflammation becomes over-active. This can occur for days, weeks, months or even years on end, and is the underlying cause of many debilitating diseases such as heart disease, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. Obesity can also trigger inflammation, so a low-fat diet is recommended.

Modern diets are often blamed for inflammation, and it is recommended that people go back to eating whole foods rather than processed foods and steer clear of additives. Whole foods are rich in antioxidants. Foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids are also considered important, such as fish or walnuts.

Scientists are also talking about the positive effects that they believe tomatoes, berries, tea, spices, olive oil, and red wine may have on inflammatory diseases.

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