Skimmed Milk Doesn’t Help In Fight Against Obesity

According to a large study that was conducted among American children, giving your child either semi-skimmed or skimmed milk instead of full-fat milk is unlikely to make a big difference in their likelihood of developing obesity. A team of researchers looked at data from a long-term study into the health of 10,700 children born in 2001.

Parents or caregivers were asked about their children’s milk consumption when the infant was two and were questioned again two years later, when the child was once again weighed and measured. The children being overweight or obese was sadly quite widespread. Around 30.1 percent of the children at two years fell into this category, at that rose to 32.2 percent at the age of four.

But interestingly, the children who were overweight or obese were more likely to drink skimmed milk or semi-skimmed milk than counterparts of normal weight. Low-fat or fat-free milk was consumed by 14 percent of overweight or obese two-year-olds and 16 percent of children with weight issues at four years old.

The US medical authorities recommend that after the age of two, children should drink semi-skimmed milk to reduce saturated fat intake. The authors of the study have said that the logic behind this recommendation is to reduce consumption of calories and hopefully prevent weight gain. But it seems that the reality of the situation is far more complex. Milk fat could increase a sense of fullness, thus reducing craving for fatty or calorie-rich foods. This in itself could aid weight loss.

The fact is that the best way to ensure your child is healthy is to maintain a good overall diet and to make sure they get plenty of exercise.

Childrenmilkskimmed milk