Sensitive Skin: Tricks to Stay Youthful

Slight allergic reactions and mild redness are not uncommon effects amongst many hair and skincare products, but for those with sensitive skin, it’s a whole other ball game. Until recently, research into sensitive skin treatment wasn’t entirely established, but with new developments under way, skin care has entered a new phase in looking after your sensitive skin.

When you’re prepping yourself up for the day, make sure that you buy products with these in mind:

• Fragrance-free

• Alcohol-free

• Low in Salicylic acid

• Fortified with Aloe Vera

Products will often say these on the label, but if you are unsure, make sure to check out the back of the item carefully. The closer to nature that you are, the better. Also, beware of skincare products that are:

• Prescription strength

• Extra strength

• Clinical Strength

These professional-sounding products are the worst components for your composition; as your skin is sensitive to the chemical components that are usually in skincare products, which means that you do not need the extra bulk to fight your skin.

If you are seriously considering a particular brand of clinical-strength skincare, check with your doctor or dermatologist about the potential side-effects of these products. Instead, look to nature to give your skin a gentle, but beneficial boost between skin-cleaning routines.

Remember to protect your skin!

Remember to use unscented sunscreen at any season – unlike normal or oily skin, where natural build-up of natural oils can protect skin from all but the hottest seasons. Gentle lotions are excellent for skin that is easily reddened by the sun. Unless you want the future nightmare of early wrinkles, use fragrance-free, aloe and SPF-fortified skincare products for dewy skin that you can love time and time again.

Family Wellnessorganic skincaresensitive skinskincare