Anti-Ageing Drug Could Help Reduce Wrinkles

Anti-Ageing Drug Could Help Reduce Wrinkles
How to improve your skin’s condition and reduce wrinklesCosmetic company Johnson and Johnson may soon be the proud owners of an anti-ageing drug which could see your frown lines dramatically reduced. Possibly available as soon as next year, the pill could beat Botox’s monopoly on the wrinkle-free market, with an 85 percent market share. Boasting a huge threat to Botox creators Allergan, J&J will offer a significantly cheaper alternative which will work faster and last longer than the injectable wrinkle-reducer. Botox was approved in 2002 and has wiped the market clean as the go-to procedure if you’re looking to remove your frown lines. But as a pricey option, many people don’t have the option of using it. A drug which is more accessible to the general public could be a real rival on the market.
A drug form of the toxin botulinum works by temporarily paralysing the muscles in the skin, which has been used for other medical concerns such as migraine headaches, underarm sweating and overactive bladder. Generally, however, it is used for cosmetic procedures. The pill which J&J are offering will provide longer lasting results, meaning a cheaper alternative to regular injections and pricey procedures every few months. In these modern times where image and youthfulness play such a big role, the cosmetic industry is constantly clamouring for a new product which consumers can use to great effect.
If you’re looking to reduce the ageing process, you should eat a balanced diet which is packed with natural skin defenders, such as fruits and vegetables which are loaded with antioxidants. A good moisturising routine is also important, in order to keep the skin hydrated, as dull skin will also age you. Lastly, drinking plenty of water will ensure your skin is hydrated from the inside out and will help you to reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
anti-ageingNew Drugskin care