6 Do-It-Yourself Facial Masks for Dry Skin

Going organic has now become a practice rather than a trend, people have now come to realize the goodness that Mother Nature has to offer. Organic stuffs has penetrated the lives of so many already that it has also influenced others to do the same. From organic foodies to organic skin care users, one thing they have in common is using raw, organic, chemically-untreated food stuffs and here are a few organic facial masks you can try at home to get you started on your facial rejuvenation.

1. Honey mask
Honey is a natural humectant which means it retains the moisture in your skin. It has moisturizing, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties that would also help save your skin from recurring blemishes. Not only does it make your skin soft and smooth but it is also known that honey can lighten scars and pigmentation. Be sure to buy the raw, organic kind, though. Just lather it all over your face and rinse with cold water so it maintains its moisture.

2.Avocado mask 
Avocados are naturally rich in oils that are essential to moisturize dry skin. Mash some ripe avocados and put it all over your face. Give it a few minutes, about 10-15 and rinse it off with some cold water. You can also incorporate some honey on your mix to give it a moisturizing boost coming from the honey itself. You will get really supple and energized skin after.

3. Coffee mask
This cupboard staple is not only for giving you an energy boost in the morning but it can also moisturize and help brighten your complexion. Grind some coffee beans and mix it with some milk and honey to make a sticky paste that’s perfect to apply on skin. Leave it on your face for a good 30 minutes or longer, rinse well with water and see the difference.

4. Banana mask
Banana is the most versatile fruit. Not only is it a great source of potassium but it can also help moisturize your dried up skin. Mash half a banana, mix it with honey and some oatmeal to make a consistency similar to that of a cream. Apply it onto your face, leave for about 15 minutes and you can immediately see a difference.

5. Mayonnaise mask
Despite the mayonnaise’s unpleasant smell, it has moisturizing properties perfect for your skin that has lost its moisture. Pair it up with some oil, like baby oil or olive oil, mix these two together and applpy it on your problem areas all over your body. After about 15-20 minutes, rinse it well with water and notice a difference in your skin.

6. Coconut mask
Coconut is a beloved fruit because of its many health benefits. Its oils has antibacterial properties so it’s perfect for acne-prone skin. Coconut oils is also ideal for all skin types so for those who has oily skin, it’s not a problem. Make a mixture of virgin coconut oil and mashed ripe banana and smooth it all over your already clean face as a mask. Bananas are rich in antioxidants too so you get a double effect.

These masks are so simple to make and very cheap too. What’s great about this is that these are all available in your kitchen and if you do run out of some of the ingredients, it is easy to come by in grocery stores near you. It’s safe, effective and natural without the harmful chemicals that can ruin your skin even more. So, choose the healthy way by going organic and save some penny too.