Gut Bacteria: A Cause of Autism?

With growing concerns over vaccines triggering autism in young toddlers, the last thing that parents want to hear is about another vaccine; however in light of ground-breaking research, a new vaccine has emerged to fight against gut bacteria which, it is said, can also fight against autism symptoms.

The gut bug known as Clostridium Boltae is said to caught disorders in the gut, which are also said to be found commonly in autistic children, with over 90% of children suffering from chronic, severe gastrointestinal symptoms and another 75% suffering from diarrhoea.

Whilst it is unclear as to why autistic children are susceptible to the bacteria, the vaccine is an attempt to reverse the effects. With autism cases rising sixfold within the past two decades, the rising concerns and sheer mystery as to why remains unclear. Whilst some researchers claim that it is the environment, others believe that the gut is the primary cause – even though they are not sure why.

The vaccine is the first of its kind that is designed to fight this type of gut bacteria. There are some suspicions that the bacteria inject toxins or metabolites into its host, which may then control or trigger the symptoms and causes of autism – in particular, regressive autism.

The downside to this vaccine is that it may take more than ten years to go through pre-clinical and human trials – longer still will be the process of making the drug marketable. It is uncertain as to whether this two-decade increase will continue to grow within the next decade.

For researchers however, this is the first – and significant – step into resolving the autistic mystery. With the vaccine able to introduce antibodies quickly for the body’s immune system to detect and identify, the toddler can be protected from the risks of intestinal infections and also, perhaps more importantly, the lifelong risk of autism. For them, it is better late than never at all.

autismautisticautistic childrenBacteriabowelChildrenFightgut bacteriaintestinalMental HealthToddlerVaccine