How Eating Avoids Blood Vessel Disorders

How Eating Avoids Blood Vessel Disorders

It is perhaps a natural nightmare that the concept of ageing will approach anyone faster than they might think, but there will come a time when it affects us all. The idea of ‘ageing gracefully’ is a long-pursued idea. We all want to remain attractive and keep our youthful glow. As such, the pursuit of going back in time whilst our bodies move along without us is not an unfounded one.

Whilst there is no Holy Grail or Elixir of Life to bolster us, there are methods of securing a slower age process.

The secret lies in food.

Retaining blood vessel function is key, in a study conducted by the American Heart Association’s Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology 2013 Scientific Sessions, 40 percent of women had a risk or were currently suffering from a strain of blood vessel disorders and endothelial (blood vessel lining) dysfunction. This malfunction is often one of the early symptoms of heart disease.

All is not lost. During this study, the participants were asked to cut down their intake of grains, beans, fruit, poultry and plants belonging to the nightshade family, including tomatoes. The aim was to cut off the sugar-binding protein lectin, which was suspected to be the cause of blood vessel disorders.

Instead, the participants’ diet included a range of leafy greens, shellfish and fish, olive oil and grass-fed animal protein, while taking supplements containing the antioxidant polyphenol from fish oil, grape seed extract and vitamins since antioxidants are considered to be anti-ageing.

“These findings represent a fundamental paradigm shift in how the diseases of the ‘Western Diet’ should be treated,” Steven R. Gundry, M.D and lead author and medical director of the International Heart and Lung Institute at The Center for Restorative Medicine in Palm Springs, California said.

“Simple removal of ‘healthy’ lectin-containing foods, and taking a few inexpensive supplements, may restore endothelial function to normal, which in turn can reverse high blood pressure, diabetes and obesity,” he said.

That being said, the study admitted that a healthy consumption of tomatoes and other fruits, vegetables, whole grains and fish, was not entirely lacking in benefit.

anti-ageingAntioxidantsblood vesselsdietFoodobesity