Private Time For Children

In the early years of parenthood, you and your partner may yearn for those precious moments of privacy you enjoyed before starting a family. It may be difficult to imagine a time when your children feel the need for privacy too.

From wanting to get in the bath with you, to wanting to bathe alone is one of the first indications that they are maturing and developing their own sense of privacy. At the same time, private diaries and locked jewellery boxes may make an appearance.

As a parent, it is your job to respect their wishes, as this is simply a part of growing up and learning to be independent. You may find around now that older children no longer want to share a room with a younger sibling. If this isn’t possible due to space restraints, make sure there are designated periods when they can have the room to themselves with other siblings out of the way.

Giving your children privacy is a way of nurturing respect too. They’ll come to realise they are valued as individuals and begin to understand why you and your partner need time by yourselves, too.

Of course, private time can become unhealthy when it’s taken to extremes. It’s natural for teenagers to want to spend less time with family, but if a young child’s demands for privacy are excessive, this could be an indication of a more serious underlying issue. It could also mean they’re using private time to pursue an activity that is forbidden, or for which they’ve have already exceeded their allowed time frame. One way to find out, without invading their privacy, is to express a positive interest in their pastimes while alone without sounding accusatory.

FamilyFamily Care