Kids In The Kitchen: Be Safe!

Letting your kids into the kitchen to help cook meals and small snacks can be fun. It is also very creative and can help kids develop a healthy attitude towards food. However, knowing the dangers of the kitchen and how to prevent them is an essential life tool that all children should learn. Practice these simple guidelines and precautions to ensure that the time your kids spend in the kitchen is safe and productive:

In your absence It’s best to keep an eye on the children while in the kitchen, even if they are just watching you cook. They ought to know that kitchen is not a place to play in, especially in the absence of an elder. But, if there are chances of they fiddling around there in your absence, put pans on back burners, and turn all pot handles toward the back of the stove so your child can’t reach them. Always keep hot foods and liquids away from the edges of counters and tables to make sure your child doesn’t pull them down. Never leave any cooking unattended.

Safer tasks Most children aren’t good at carrying heavy objects, even for a short distance like from the kitchen top to the dining table. Watch out for the weight of the container. Carrying a container of curry could mean a sudden steam in the child’s face, along with the unexpected heat of the handle. Give them safer tasks like washing fruits and vegetables, or kneading dough instead.

Explain stoves, ovens & electrical appliances Even when switched off, they can stay hot to the touch for some time. Always keep your kids away from them – hot or cold – to avoid the risk of burning themselves. As for electrical appliances, kids can be tempted to put their fingers into fast-moving beaters or blades. Take the time to explain how each product works, and the possible dangers involved.

Knives, coconut scrapers, choppers Children under the age of ten usually don’t have the fine motor skills to safely use sharp tools in the kitchen. If your child is keen to try using a knife, offer him or her a plastic knife or butter knife and something soft like bread to make a sandwich.

Clean up spills Serious injuries occur when others slip and fall because of wet floors or foreign objects, so make sure your children understand the importance of cleaning up a spill as it occurs. Always have a mop or rag handy and teach them to clean up immediately.

Clothes & hair Explain to them that it is safer to wear short sleeves while working in the kitchen, for long sleeves have a chance of catching fire or falling into hot grease or boiling water; also to tie up long hair to avoid it falling into food or catching fire.
