Tips To Store Out-of-season Clothes

Tips To Store  Out-of-season Clothes

Living in places with distinct seasons has its pros and cons. We have a great excuse to change up our wardrobe a few times a year but we also need to store all the off-season clothes when we’re not using them. This is where you can get creative depending on your style, budget and space.

  • Clean everything before you get started. Lingering oils, deodorants, perfumes, can discolour fabric over time. Food stains will attract moths. Don’t store in dry-cleaning bags for they can yellow fabrics and trap moisture. Never iron with starch. It weakens the fabric, and can lead to permanent stains. Empty the pockets of all the clothes you’re going to be putting away until next season.
  • Fold carefully; no tight rolls or sharp creases. Add a little extra padding for delicates or clothes with sequins, beading and other embellishments. Place white tissue paper between layers if colour transfer is a concern. Fold sweaters into thirds, then in half, and stack with heaviest knits on the bottom.
  • Cover your cleaned garments to protect them from damage. Use blanket storage bags and hanging garments bags. You can also use sweater boxes, under-bed boxes, large storage containers and show-boxes in different materials and sizes. Breathable bags are the best for leather, suede and fur storage.
  • Pick the best spot and resist the urge to stash stored clothes in the attic or basement. Both spots are hot, humid, and unfriendly for fabrics. Having a space under the bed or in a spare room for these clothes are great options, depending on your circumstances.
  • Store them where you can see them – as close as possible to your main clothes storage; someplace that’s still pretty easy to grab should you need any of the other seasons clothes at any given time.
  • Cedar balls, a handful of them in each box, would deter pests from attacking everything from coats, scarves, and hats, to dresses, business clothes and winter suits. Cedar-scented bags are good for jackets you might leave hanging in a closet.
  • Evaluate your clothes when you store them. Do some of them need repair? Will you ever wear them again? Should you give away, or trash?
  • Mark or label containers that you have used to store clothes. It will make it much easier to find the right clothing when the season returns next year.