Best Ways To Clip Your Pet’s Claws

Best Ways To Clip Your Pet’s Claws

The most common reason that many of us dread nail trims of our pets is that the dog fusses and creates stress around the procedure. But there are consequences if you avoid the trimming and let the nails grow out. When a dog’s toenails contact hard ground, the surface pushes the nail back up into the nail bed. This puts pressure on all the toe joints or even forces the toe to twist to the side, making the toes very sore.

Start early. Most dogs do not like having their claws trimmed and that is why nail cutting becomes an event surrounded by angst and drama. Start trimming claws in young animals so that they get used to the process. Many dogs require some form of restraint by draping your arms and upper body over the dog, holding the paw in your left hand and the trimmer in your right.

Use small-size scissor clippers. Guillotine style clippers are painful and grinder clippers will need your expertise or can really stress out the pet. the grinding process takes a bit longer than the clipping process, so both of you need patience. It is best to use scissor clippers. Smaller size gives you better control. Never put the whole nail in a clipper.

Keep your tools sharp. Either replace or sharpen your clippers regularly.

Have a good light. Trim nails outside or in a well-lit room. Light coloured claws are easier to cut than dark claws as the blood vessels and nerves that supply the claw are easier to see.

Remove excess hair. Use a pair of blunt-edged children’s scissors to remove excess toe hair. Cutting hair dulls clippers.

Keep first aid ready. If you cut too short, place a tiny piece of tissue paper tightly against the end of the nail and hold it for a few minutes. Or have some clotting powder ready to stop the bleeding. Baking soda, baking flour and cornstarch also work.

Make nail trimming fun. Always associate nail cutting with treats and praise. Reward your dog after each nail to make the experience more positive. Keep in mind if you have a nervous pup that you don’t have to trim all their nails at once, you can do them a few at a time if needed.
