Globally, the use of anabolic steroids by middle-aged men is becoming more widespread, says researcher Julien Baker, an applied physiology professor at the University of the West of Scotland. If your husband, or other men in your family use steroids, this is what you should know:
As men age testosterone levels drop, which may lead to a corresponding drop in libido, plus weight gain and muscle reduction. Steroids mimic the effects of testosterone and boost muscle growth. And that’s the draw: Steroids can help men to look and feel younger and more virile, and in a world where people live longer and have high expectations of life, that’s a desirable outcome.
Unfortunately, steroids can also trigger a range of health problems, including heart disease and blood clots. And when users reduce the dosage or stop using altogether, they can suffer withdrawal symptoms, such as anxiety and feeling low. Steroids are, basically, synthesised forms of the male sex hormone, testosterone. They were originally designed for patients in need of growth hormone treatment. There are different types of steroids available by prescription from a doctor. Most commonly abused by men, steroids are taken to build muscle mass within the body and to enhance athletic ability. These substances are foreign to your body, and the part of the brain, which controls the hormones and endocrine system, senses an overload of testosterone and shuts off the normal production. It can have a long-term effect. Says Baker, “Introducing something that your body stopped producing naturally may lead to repercussions or have health implications. There’s not enough research out there to look at that. Someone taking steroids at 50 – it’s not clear what might happen to them in the future.”
Steroid use side effects include heart problems, high cholesterol levels, hair loss and acne and permanent liver damage. In addition to the physical effects, excessive steroid use can have multiple side effects on the mind. These can have a deep and negative impact upon family relationships. Help is available for steroid users who wish to recover before family dynamics are damaged beyond repair. The user might suffer from
Depression. When a person uses steroids on a regular basis, it is common to experience severe depression when the user stops taking steroids. It is a withdrawal symptom and steroid users have reported having suicidal thoughts. Depression affects families as a whole.
Aggression. Another potential side effect of steroid abuse is increased feelings of aggression. During what is commonly referred to as ‘roid rage’, a steroid user could potentially harm those around him.
Sexual dysfunction. In men, excessive steroid use usually increases sex drive but it also can diminish it later. A common side effect is erectile dysfunction, making it difficult to have a normal, healthy sexual relationship within a marriage or other family-type setup.