Can you Replicate the Effects of Botox without Surgery?

Can you Replicate the Effects of Botox without Surgery?

Could anti-ageing creams and lotions spell the end for surgical procedures such as Botox? If the latest research is to be believed then yes – the anti-ageing market is led by people in their 50s and 60s, with the majority of people opting for non-toxic and non-invasive ways to reduce the appearance of age on their skin. The sales of ‘miracle’ cures that many creams claim to offer have hit a record high in recent years, suggesting that people are looking for speedy results without having to go under the knife and needle. The latest in the stream of anti-ageing offerings is a £40 serum which offers to moisturise and plump the skin without the need for injections.


Thousands of women have bought the latest beauty serum, leading to it selling more than three times the expected amount in just a few days. Targeting the 50-plus age group, these types of products offer a non-invasive alternative to ridding your skin of lines and age-induced wrinkles. The demand for such products has tripled in the last few years, with the numbers still rising. The craze for so-called ‘liquid Botox’ isn’t just connected to this product though – various companies have developed similar offerings to meet the demand of their target demographic. Today’s society has made it impossible to age without judgement, so people want to remove the signs of ageing to look young and attractive for as long as possible.


There are many factors which affect the speed at which you age, from sun damage and smoking, to genetics and diet. You can improve the condition of your skin internally as well as with creams and lotions, such as drinking more water and cutting back on sugar, which can break down the collagen in your skin. People are looking for a mid-point which gives them the effects of a surgical procedure without the risks or the costs.


anti-ageingmoisturiserskin care