Shop Smarter For Your Family

Shop Smarter For Your Family

With wages stagnating and prices rising, many people are looking to make savings. One area where you can economise is your weekly grocery shopping. Here are four top tips to help you save money:

Shop around

It’s undoubtedly convenient to get all your groceries in one go, but if you’re prepared to shop around a little you can make savings. Don’t rule out budget supermarkets; the prices are lower, but the quality isn’t.

Scale down a level

If you usually buy brand name or supermarket premium range products, scale down a level. There’s often little difference in between premium and mid-range products. With some grocery products you might be able to switch from premium to unbranded basics without noticing much difference, other than the price.

Find out when items are marked down

Most supermarkets mark down items such as meat, fish and bakery goods towards the end of the day. If you shop in the evening then you can get some excellent bargains, often for just a fraction of the full price – and if you don’t want to use them straight away, you can usually freeze them.

Check special offers are genuinely special

If something you buy regularly is on a two for one deal, grab it, but with anything else, check before you buy. A brand name product on sale could still be more expensive than the non-branded equivalent.
