How to Get Your Little Fusspot to Eat Different Foods

How to Get Your Little Fusspot to Eat Different Foods

Fussy children can really affect family wellness at meal times – who has time to sit down and have a nice chat when they’re trying to force-feed broccoli to a six-year-old? Plus, not eating healthy foods is bad for the child’s well-being, so here are seven top tips for getting your fussy kid to eat more, and love it.


1. Slow and steady

Even if you’re excited about getting your little fusspot eating more, you need to subtly and slowly introduce different foods. Doing it one food at a time will help you to observe your child’s responses, as well as an allergies to individual foods.


2.  Change it up

If there’s a particular food your child dislikes, try to change what form you give it in. Maybe the fusser won’t touch a bacon sandwich, but will love little bits of bacon chopped up and mixed in with chicken and tomato pasta.


3. Keeping Mum

If you don’t like something then I guarantee your fussy kid won’t go near it. Try to hide your dislike for foods and encourage your child to eat anything that others in the family eat, albeit in a smaller portion.


4. Let’s Get Creative

Your child will be far more interested in eating something if he or she has a variety in the choice of food as well as a little spark of innovation. Get creative with the shapes of food or go a little crazy with some food dye to make dinner fun.


5. Hide and Seek

Fruits and vegetables are the main source of repulsion amongst fussy eaters, so you may need to sneak them in under the radar. Chop up vegetables too fine to get noticed or mash up fruit and add it to milk and deserts. After a while, you can have your “A-Ha!” moment when your child complains about fruit and veg – they’ve been eating them all along.


6. Try alternative sources

If milk is a no-go zone for your child, go for other sources of calcium like cheese, yoghurt, sardines or sesame. The important thing is the goodness in the foods, rather than the food itself, so sometimes it’s worth switching lanes, and saving yourself the agro.

ChildFoodfoodsFussy Eatersfussy kidnbspTricksVariety