A new anti-ageing wellness treatment promises to remove the dead skin from the surface of your face, leaving you with clear, glowing skin. Commonly known as skin polishing, microdermabrasion uses whitening ingredients like arbutin, liquorice and Vitamin C, as well as a whitening cream infusion and mild bleaching, to ensure your skin remains pure, bright and flawless.
For the procedure, the doctor will spray aluminium oxide crystals on your face, in order to exfoliate your skin in a controlled way. Then, the dead cells and used crystals will be sucked back through an attached fine tubing, before the whitening cream infusion is carried out with an ultrasound machine and the lightening mask. Finally, the mild bleaching is applied, and the whole process will leave you with fewer fine lines, wrinkles, scarring and age spots, as well as a smoother texture with less patchy tan.
According to Dr Jaishree Sharad, medical director of the Skinfiti Skin & Laser Clinic, ‘Microdermabrasion is a safe, quick, convenient and proven effective treatment for all skin colours and types, whether it’s light or dark, dry or oily. This age-defying process is more scientific than facial and can give a brighter, smoother appearance to any skin area in need of exfoliation including the face, neck, hands and chest.’
Dr Apratim Goel, cosmetic dermatologist and laser surgeon at Goel’s Cutis skin studio, advises, ‘Maintain the effects of your treatment by using a homemade scrub of besan (gram flour) mixed with a few drops of lemon and rose water. Though this will not replicate the effects of skin polishing, it will be a good maintenance therapy. Depending on your skin type, you will need two or three sessions at regular intervals for optimum results.’
However, before you sign up for the full monty of microdermabrasion, there are certain factors to consider. While the treatment is safe and effective when carried out by a trained professional, you should never opt for cheap products that promise the same effects at home as at a professional clinic. It is a procedure which requires expert care. Also, you should avoid microdermabrasion if you have very dry or sensitive skin.