Age-Fighting Foods: Look Younger and Feel Better on a Budget

Age-Fighting Foods: Look Younger and Feel Better on a Budget

You may be tempted to turn to supplements to look younger, but why bother popping pricey pills when you can get all the anti-ageing wellness you need at your local supermarket. With a  few healthy food additions to your diet, you can truly look younger for longer, and improve your health while doing it!


1. Nuts. With a special shout out going to pecans, almonds, walnuts, cashew nuts and pine nuts, all nuts are real super foods, packing tonnes of protein, omega 3 fatty acids and good fats which help to keep your heart healthy and your skin looking fabulous. Plus, nuts aid your wellness from head to toe, easing inflammation, improving brain activity and even giving you gorgeous, shiny hair.


2. Berries.

Berries contain everything you need to fight ageing; vitamin C, folate, potassium, magnesium and calcium, to name a few. Plus, blueberries, strawberries, acai berries, cranberries and raspberries can help to reduce your chance of cancer and treat any urinary infections. Winner!


3. Vegetables.

Ok, this category is maybe a little broad, but eating your greens and a few tomatoes can take years off you. Green vegetables and tomatoes are great sources of vitamin C, which has wonderful anti-ageing properties, but they also contain zeaxanthin and lutein, which can fight age-related eye problems such as cataracts and weakened vision. Plus, as tomatoes are rich in lycopene, this makes them powerful antioxidants, especially if you cook them. This can help to guard you against cancer, coronary diseases and blood sugar fluctuations.


4. Green tea.

You may have noticed green tea popping up on more café menus in recent years, and this is because it has monumental wellness benefits. Not only is green tea a powerful anti-ageing source, but it can protect your well-being against age-related weight gain, dementia, heart diseases and even cancer. But let’s get back to the anti-ageing bit: green tea contains catechins which tackle free radicals, and epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) which has fierce anti-ageing properties. I reckon it’s time to stick the kettle on, don’t you?


5. Fish.

The reason why fish is such an incredible anti-ageing food is that it contains omega 3 fatty acids, which offer antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Fish oils do not build up cholesterol levels, but they do build up your eyesight and brain activity and, as an added bonus, fish gives you lustrous hair and glowing skin. You can get your omega 3s from fish such as tuna, salmon and sole.

ageing propertiesanti ageingberriesBrain Activityfatty acidsFishgreen tea