The Skin Secrets That the Celebrities Are Keeping From You

The Skin Secrets That the Celebrities Are Keeping From You

Have you ever seen an older celebrity and wondered what their anti-aging secret is? Famous women in their 40s, 50s, 60s and even 70s seem to sashay down the red carpet, glowing with wellness and wellbeing and leaving us to wonder if it’s all thanks to plastic surgery, or whether there are some anti-aging and beauty tips that we can be in on. We’ve compiled a list of some of the youngest-looking older celebrities and found out their beauty secrets for you.


At 44, Cindy Crawford is glowing with youth and confidence. She says it is all down to grooming. At her age, she says, she can no longer get away with going out in any old clothes. She has to ensure that she is wearing a well-fitting outfit. She also gets her hair coloured regularly, saying that lustrous, rich hair looks very youthful (and also covers greys!) In addition to this, the celebrity keeps up to date with bikini waxes, manicures and pedicures.


Aged 46, Markiska Hargitay is strikingly youthful. She doesn’t like going to gym but says she does short exercise videos in her dressing room. She also credits a trampoline that she bought for her sun with helping her blast her heart rate up and burn calories.


Connie Britton is 42 and says that the sun has damaged her skin. Now that she is older and wiser she always uses a high factor sunscreen, which is also a moisturiser.


Stunning Susan Sarandon is 63 but looks much, much younger. She says that the secret to looking young is to not wear too much makeup, or you end up looking ridiculous. She goes for softer makeup and gentler tones now.


Model Iman is now 55, and actually credits gaining weight with her youthful looks. Being too skinny leads to you looking haggard in old age, she claims.

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