Could Family Therapy be the Answer to Your Bipolar Disorder?

Could Family Therapy be the Answer to Your Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar disorder affects family wellness as well as the wellbeing of the individual sufferer. Family therapy could be a way to improve the wellness of all concerned, as it can help to limit the stress that the disorder is placing on everybody.


When someone suffers from bipolar disorder, their close friends and family often help them to deal with the condition, and are exposed to some of the more serious symptoms of the disease.


Psychotherapy (which is also known as talk therapy) is often used in these cases, to help with the management of the disorder and to help those around them help to manage their own feelings and the repercussions that the disease can have on them.


Talking therapy is generally the preferred method as it helps patients to learn more about their own condition and they can then understand a little better about why the condition has the effect on them that it does, and how this translates into an effect on the people around them. It can also help them to learn healthy ways to deal with the issues that arise from their condition.


Family and friends who are feeling the strain of a loved one suffering from bipolar disorder can participate in family therapy, where the members of the family all take part in talking therapy together. This is meant to help improve communications between members of a family and to help them interact and deal with the problems they are facing. The goal is generally to identify any unhealthy interactions and improve them, and to put coping mechanisms into place to help the family learn the best ways to protect their loved one – and themselves.


This kind of therapy is widely available through the NHS and through private medical practices that specialise in mental health. Some employers also offer the therapy as part of a wellness at work initiative.

bipolarbipolar disorderconditionDisorderFamilyfamily therapynbsptalking therapytherapy