Neck Injuries from a Car Accident: Natural Path to Healing

It can be difficult to deal with the pain of any injury, but a neck injury due to whiplash from an automobile accident can be particularly challenging. Your neck muscles are engaged every second you’re awake and standing, helping support the weight of your head and allowing you to enjoy a healthy range of motion. When the neck becomes injured, your range of motion may become severely limited, leading you to regret taking it for granted during all your healthy years.


Fight Against Stress

Stress might be causing you to unknowingly clench your jaw, which can lead to strain on your neck. This is bad in everyday circumstances, but if you have a neck injury, it can make your situation a lot worse. Try to relax by engaging in deep breathing, meditation, yoga or watching a funny movie.



You can leave your financial recovery to an experienced legal representative. One Chicago auto accident lawyer firm states “To make sure that your best interests are observed, make sure to hire an experienced law professional.” Retaining such a professional will allow you to relax in the knowledge that your claim is being handled professionally, allowing you to focus on rest and healing.



Take Some Time Off

It may not be the most convenient thing, but if possible, you should take some time off work following a neck injury. Skipping work might be frustrating if you have bills to pay, but if you push your body when it isn’t ready, you could end up with a worse injury. One of the easiest ways to recover from a neck injury is to lay down on your back and rest, and let’s face it: You can probably use the vacation anyway.



Commit to Good Posture

When you do have to be up and about, you can still help your neck by making an effort to maintain good posture. Bad posture is largely responsible for a lot of neck problems that don’t come from injuries, so you can help yourself heal by avoiding it. Keep from slouching at the computer by setting a timer that goes off every 10 minutes and repositioning yourself every time you hear the beep. Over time, this will help you learn to sit up in your chair. If you need another motivator, know that people with good posture tend to come off more confident and attractive to others.




Use Hot and Cold Treatments

If the injury recently occurred, it’s a good idea to use ice to numb the pain and decrease your level of inflammation. If you don’t have a ready-made ice pack, you can simply put crushed ice in a plastic bag and apply it to your neck. Alternatively, heat can also help relieve neck pain, but too much of it could possibly make your symptoms worse. Your best bet is to alternate between hot and cold treatments, allowing yourself to use the heat for no more than a few minutes at a time.


If you received your neck injury as a result of an automobile accident and are now suffering physical and financial consequences, it’s time to contact an attorney. Neck injuries can mean time off work, expensive medical bills and a great deal of pain and suffering. Insurance companies have the goal of settling claims as quickly as possible, meaning that you may not get the attention you deserve. Never settle your case without first talking to a qualified attorney.


Lisa Coleman shares some natural ways to heal a neck injury following a car accident. She recently read online how a Chicago auto accident lawyer could handle the legalities, allowing the client to focus on the healing process.

auto accident lawyercar accidenthot/cold treatmentnatural healthneck injurieswhiplash treatment