Staying Safe in the Pool: Tips for Summer Fun


Summertime is right around the corner, and people are already daydreaming about swimming and enjoying time in the sun on a pool deck. However, it is important to remember several safety guidelines to help make sure that you and your entire family will stay safe no matter which pools you visit this year. Keep in mind that the owner of a pool is legally responsible for keeping the area safe and in good shape, so you should also start making plans right now to correct any potential issues if you have a pool.




Keeping Your Children Safe at the Pool

The most obvious safety concern no matter where you are swimming is ensuring that everyone is safe while they are in the water. One group of personal injury lawyers in Suffolk County state that ”thousands of people are injured or even killed when there are safety hazards on someone’s property.” After all, if you leave your children alone for even a minute, their odds of being injured or even dying due to drowning will increase. It is essential to remember that life-saving devices are not always effective, so the absolute best thing that you can do is remain present and aware at all times. You should also make sure that your children receive the proper instructions so that they know what to do in the event of an emergency.



Additional Safety Hazards

Although most people think about the pool itself when they are considering safety, there are several other potential hazards that could cause you or a family member to end up in the hospital. Due to this, it is important to keep an eye out for cracked tiles, wet areas on the pool deck and improperly attached items such as an above ground pool ladder. Any of these hazards could cause someone to fall after slipping or tripping, and hitting the pool deck or falling into the pool unexpectedly could cause a variety of issues such as broken bones, a traumatic brain injury and even drowning.




The Importance of Swimming Lessons

Unless your child has already successfully completed the appropriate swimming lessons for their age group, it is not a good idea to let them enter a pool with several other people. However, if you are going to take a young child with you into a pool, make sure that you stay close to them at all times and stick to the shallow end. You also need to be cognizant of the fact that people in a public swimming pool will not always follow all of the rules, and this could put your child in danger.



If you or a loved one is injured as a result of visiting a swimming pool this summer, you should contact an attorney to assist you. It is also vital for property owners to work closely with a lawyer who has experience with premise liability cases if an injury occurs on their property. Taking legal action is a viable method for protecting your rights, but you should take the time to ensure that the pool and pool deck are in good shape before you let others access them in order to minimize your potential liability.

With four children, Melanie Fleury can often become a nervous wreck at the pool. She has found that teaching her children to swim and being constantly diligent while watching her kids has kept her children safe. She used the website of a group of personal injury lawyers in Suffolk County to learn more about what property owners need to do to ensure the safety of guests.

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Funpool. tipsSafeSummer