Straightforward Tips for Managing a Delinquent Teenager



If you have a teenager, you know that the older a kid gets, the more trouble he or she can get into. Instead of just worrying about how well your child is doing in spelling, you start having to deal with your teenager skipping school, getting into trouble with the law and dating individuals that you don’t approve of. If you’re not quite sure how to deal with these problems, take a look at these straightforward tips for managing a delinquent teenager.



Skipping School


A study done by researchers at John Hopkins University has shown that up to 15 percent of teenagers regularly skip school. A teenager that skips school shows that he or she isn’t responsible enough to transport themselves, so start driving your child to school and walking in with him or her. If you have to work, hire a friend or professional to do it. If your teen gets an allowance or has a job, make sure the money comes out of his or her bank account.



Legal Trouble


If your teenager gets into legal trouble and is arrested, you will have to make a decision about whether or not to bail them out of jail. While it might be tempting to leave your teenager in a holding cell to “learn a lesson or two”, you may decide to bail them out even if he or she has does something wrong. Merideth Bail Bonds and other companies like it generally charge 10% of the bail amount up front.


After you get your child out of jail, though, make sure he or she gets help specific to their behavior. For instance, if your teenager was arrested for using drugs, contact a drug rehabilitation facility and a counselor for your teenager.



Significant Others


Your teenager is growing into an adult, but that doesn’t mean he or she can make adult decisions. If you don’t think your child has made the best choice when picking a significant other or has made bad choices in the past, don’t be afraid to be vocal about what behaviors you are worried about with your child. If he or she sneaks out at night, put in an alarm system, and make sure your teenager has a chaperone if he or she can’t be trusted to be alone with a significant other.


When trying to manage a delinquent teenager, don’t be afraid to parent. As a parent, you have a right to discipline and supervise all your children that are underage. If your teenager tends to stray, don’t feel guilty about being strong in your convictions, as your example is the biggest influence in your childrens lives.


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