Co-owner Charlie Marino said despite the recent bout and continuation of wet weather, main contractor Keir Construction was still on target with only a few days lost.
He said he was “very happy” with progress.
“The local guys seem to be used to these conditions and soldier on regardless.
“Overall the opening of the Coles supermarket before Christmas with some specialty tenants is virtually assured.”
Construction manager Russell Keir said the wet weather had been a challenge.
“We have hardly had two straight weeks of fine weather since the start of the year,’’ he said.
“However, the construction crew has maintained a steady course throughout.
“About 100 workers have been involved with construction on and off site to date and this number is due to increase by about another 30 to 50 workers with roofing scheduled to commence next week.
“It would be good though to see the end of the rain.”
New intersection works are on track as well.
Peter Thompson of LDI Civil Contractors said the crew of 20 was ahead of schedule but the weather had been problematic.
“Our car park crew of about 15 has also been affected by the rain,’’ he said.
Cairns Property Office leasing manager Greg Moule said inquiries“exceeded expectations”, given a marketing campaign had not commenced.
“Some key and exciting tenants have already been secured,’’ he said.
Mr Marino said the project received headworks dispensation from Cairns Regional Council on the proviso Far Northern builders and tradespeople were employed.
“Only two out-of-town consultants have been required to give their expertise in the design and operation of the complex and with the fitout period soon approaching a total of nearly 200 local jobs would have been created,’’ he said.