At Home Hospice: 5 Ways to Care for an Elderly Loved One

When an elderly loved one is approaching the end of their life, setting up an at-home hospice can offer an option to families who want to ensure their loved one enjoys the best quality of life possible. Fortunately, this can be arranged by making a few simple preparations that will help the caregiver tend to the patient’s needs. Here are five important ways to provide optimum care for a loved one when setting up an at-home hospice.


Set Up a Comfortable Room

The first thing a person will need to do when setting up a home hospice is choose a room that has easy access for the caregiver and is comfortable for the patient. Ideally, this room should be on the ground floor and located near a sink or bathroom facility. Then, a safe bed should be comfortably arranged, and a few personal touches can be added to make the patient feel at home.


Plan for Personal Hygiene

In an at-home hospice, personal hygiene is of the utmost importance to prevent bedsores and skin rashes that can afflict those unable to leave their bed. Therefore, it is important to create a plan for bathing and washing a loved one’s hair. Those who are bedridden can be bathed using a basin of water and a soft washcloth. It is also important to change the bed linens frequently.


Arrange for Medicine Management

Elderly patients frequently take several different medications that will need to be managed by either an in-home care provider or a designated member of the person’s family. Keeping a log of which medicines were given and at what time they were provided can help everyone keep track of when it is time for another dose.


Stock Up on Medical Supplies

Depending upon a patient’s medical needs, they may require specific medical supplies. Catheters are a common need for those who are unable to leave the bed that can increase comfort. Breathing apparatuses and other equipment should also be on hand, and all caregivers should be trained regarding how to provide the right types of medical support.

Provide Companionship and Comfort

Once the physical needs for the patient have been handled, the next step is to provide the companionship and comfort that makes at-home hospice care the preferred choice for many families. Arrange a schedule for caregivers that ensures the patient always has someone nearby to tend to their needs.


Assisting a loved one through the final stages of life can be made easier through a well-planned at-home hospice set up. By providing your loved one with everything they need to be physically and mentally comfortable, you will be able to ease their transition while providing them with compassionate care.

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