Manage Your Diabetes and Keep Your Heart Healthy

Type two diabetes is a condition which can be managed solely through positive life style changes. It’s only a dangerous condition when those changes aren’t made and a diabetic lets their condition get out of control. This will ultimately result in death but there are all sorts of unpleasant symptoms along the way which will leave you blind and crippled. Essentially it’s best to make those changes and never have to experience the worst symptoms of diabetes.
The lifestyle changes detailed in the list below are centred around keeping a healthy heart but will improve your diabetes too. Diabetics are much more likely to contract heart disease, this is why the two work so well together.

–                    Keep your blood-sugar levels at a constant, don’t let them dip or spike too much. This will lessen the complications of diabetes in general and help to keep your heart healthy.

–                    Losing weight is a double whammy. You’ll improve your diabetes management, keeping that condition well under-control, all the while improving your heart health. It’s been clinically proven that losing as little as 5% of your total weight will help you to control your diabetes and as such it should be top of your list of priorities.

–                    Lower your Cholesterol. This is achievable largely through diet  though in some special cases it may be necessary to go onto specialist medications.

–                    Exercising will help to manage your diabetes while burn off excess calories. This is a fantastic way to lose weight and as it’s also a diabetes treatment in itself, it’s well worth doing.

–                    Stop smoking, this is a hard one. Smoking is terrible for people with type two diabetes and adds to the narrowing of arteries the condition already causes. This increases the changes of heart disease and nerve damage respectively.

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