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Garden Wellness

The Safe Way to Light Up

Bonfires are a great way to deal with garden waste and people love the thrill of gathering around a bonfire with family and friends. However, if you are planning to light a bonfire in your garden, it’s important to plan ahead as many…

Plan A Herb Garden

Installing a selection of herbs can transform your meals, save money, and have medicinal benefits. Transform a small patch of land in your backyard or balcony or go to town with a larger, impressive traditional herb garden in the form of a…

Deter Slugs In The Garden

Slugs in the garden are not just unpleasant and messy, they are potential killers. As well as leaving slimy trails, eating a huge amount of plants and vegetables, and in some cases devouring garden-friendly ladybirds and earthworms too, did…

Deter Slugs In The Garden

Slugs in the garden are not just unpleasant and messy, they are potential killers. As well as leaving slimy trails, eating a huge amount of plants and vegetables, and in some cases devouring garden-friendly ladybirds and earthworms too, did…

Vitamin G: Wellness In Your Garden

Vitamin ‘G’ is vital for maintaining your physical and mental wellness. But it’s not available from any food source, or in tablet form. Vitamin ‘G’ stands for Gardening. Grounding – When you garden, you actually touch the earth’s…

Tips To Improve Your Garden Soil

Organic matter is the key to perfect garden soil. While you can't change the type of soil you have, adding organic matter makes your soil loamier. It loosens and aerates clay, improves the ability of sandy soil to hold water and nutrients,…

How Safe Is Your Garden?

Growing a wide range of plants and flowers looks beautiful and is very rewarding. But did you know that some common garden plants are poisonous? That means you should take extra care around them. It’s worth knowing which plants in your…

Ways To Care For Indoor Palms

Whether it is in your home or office, palm house plants add beauty and several health benefits. Aside from cleaning the air, palm plants can make more oxygen available in the room. Palms are slow-growing, particularly as potted plants. It…

Plants That Make Great Gifts

When you gift a plant to someone, whether it is family, friends or even coworkers, it means something special – you are giving them a living plant, full of life, instead of a bouquet that will wilt and die in no time. Research shows that…

Who Needs Rules In The Garden?

When planning your garden, gardening experts, websites and magazines suggest conventional guidelines like say, for instance, choosing colours that complement one another. The problem with rules is that they stifle your creativity. Sometimes…

Choosing Garden Furniture…

Great garden furniture can take the comfort and looks of your garden to the next level. Buying outdoor furniture is not very different from buying indoor furniture, but there are some additional considerations as well. Here are a few things…

Rescuing An Injured Bird

From being attacked by a cat to flying into a window, there are many reasons why a bird might become injured and it’s natural to want to help. But would you know what to do if you found an injured bird in your garden? Assess the situation…

Garden Friends & Foes

Our gardens are home to a whole host of insects, bugs and creepy crawlies. Many play an important part in our local eco-system and are beneficial for creating a healthy and thriving garden environment. Meanwhile others are not so friendly…

Beekeeping For Beginners

Bees are vital for the planet’s ecosystem and over 80% of crops grown for human consumption rely on bees and other insects for pollination. Despite the vital role they play, we know that honeybee populations are declining at an alarming…

Healthy Hedge Maintenance

Garden hedges look attractive and are a great way to create a boundary between properties. But many people struggle to maintain a garden hedge, particularly if it’s very high or long. Here are our tips for healthy hedge maintenance. How…

Gardening For Busy People

From planting and weeding to pest control and pruning, there’s always something to do in the garden. If you have a busy lifestyle, finding the time to tend to your garden is a challenge, but a few smart short cuts mean you can have a…

Hassle-Free Air Plants

There are many reasons why it’s good to have plants in your home or office. They take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen as well as helping to clean the air by absorbing pollutants. A study from Kansas State University showed that…

Attracting Ladybirds

Aphids and similar pests are the bane of many a gardener’s life. These destructive pests can wreak havoc on gardens and farm crops alike, and their effect on carefully cultivated plants may tempt you to reach for the pesticide. But if…