Fruitier, Flowery Dark Chocolate

Researchers have found that an alternative processing step called ‘moist incubation’ results in a fruitier, more flowery-tasting dark chocolate than the conventional fermentation process. After cocoa beans are harvested, they are…

Ancient Egyptian Hair Care

Contrary to what you may think, anxiety over greying or receding hair isn’t just a modern concern. Various ancient cultures used natural cures and remedies to treat greyness and hair loss, suggesting that it was as big a deal in ancient…

COVID Lowers IQ!

There is growing evidence that COVID-19 can cause lasting cognitive and mental health problems, with recovered patients reporting symptoms including fatigue, 'brain fog', problems recalling words, sleep disturbances, anxiety and even…

Choose The Right Garden Lighting

We spend a lot of time considering different lighting options for our home, but most of us never consider adding lights to our outdoor spaces. Outdoor illumination can transform the appearance of your garden, making it a space you’ll want…

Lose Weight With A Kitchen Scale

When you’re trying to lose weight, the kitchen can be a dangerous place, fraught with tempting foods and hidden hazards that are just waiting to derail you from your weight loss journey. Fortunately, the kitchen can be your friend, and can…

Bundjalungs And Tea Tree Oil

The Bundjalung aboriginal people from Australia used the tea tree for medicinal purposes even 3,000 years ago. Recognising it as a disinfectant, they crushed tea-tree (or paper bark) leaves and applied the paste to wounds, cuts and bites as…

Egyptian Mummies Had Heart Problems, Too

Ahmosa-Meryet-Amon, an Egyptian princess living in Thebes (Luxor) around 1550 BC, has become the earliest person in history to be diagnosed with coronary heart disease. The Horus research programme used whole body CT scanning to identify a…

Daily Coffee Benefits The Heart

Drinking coffee, particularly two to three cups a day, is not only associated with a lower risk of heart disease and dangerous heart rhythms but also with living longer, says a study presented at the American College of Cardiology's 71st…

What The Romans Knew

The Romans did a lot in terms of building the infrastructure for future generations, but did you know they focussed on wellness too? The Romans developed the first known public health measures, when they realised their workers were no good…

Way To Make Walking Easier

Findings from the Oregon Health & Science University describe a novel way to reduce the energy people spend to walk, as much as by half, which could have applications for therapy received by patients with impaired walking abilities.…

Follow The Request Of The Stone

Zen gardens, also known as Japanese rock gardens, have a fascinating history dating back over a thousand years. The original versions involved creating a kare-sansui, or dry landscape, using rocks and stones. This type of garden was ideally…

Heard Of Halogen Oven?

Here is a fast, healthy and energy-efficient cooking method... The halogen oven is a compact, stand-alone cooking unit that consists of a transparent glass bowl and a lid that contains the heating element – a metal filament inside a…

Brew Up Some Good Health

Tea has been popular for thousands of years. The origin of the wild tea plant, Camellia sinensis, has been traced to Assam, and also to China. As far back as 1906, tea was believed to be an antibacterial substance, which could help to…

Exercise Helps Retain Memories

New research led by University of Pittsburgh psychologists has pooled data from dozens of studies to find that specific exercise helps episodic memory among those who are between 55 to 68 years. And 3 times a week for 4 months can do the…

Even Gentle Touch Is Healing

The sense of touch is one of our most ancient, and also one we can least survive without. It’s vital for survival. The ability to sense gentle touch develops early in the womb and provides comfort even before birth. Yet until now the…

Thank You, Immune System!

Until recently, it was believed that the immune system was mostly dormant unless the body was under attack in connection with infections. However, it now turns out that the immune system most likely also plays an important role for…

Old Wives’ Fishy Tale Was Right!

Fish was traditionally known as ‘brain food’ and was said to be good for your grey matter. Recent research suggests that people who eat the most fish are least likely to develop depression, and that eating fish can lower your risk of a…

To Do As The Romans Did…

The Romans understood the role of dirt and poor hygiene in spreading disease and created aqueducts to ensure that the inhabitants of a city received clean water. Their superb level of personal hygiene and obsession with cleanliness…

Go Halves On Sugar

If you want to keep your teeth until the day you die, you should cut the amount of free sugars you can consume by half. Free sugars are those that are added to foods by manufacturers, cooks, or in the kitchen to sweeten meals, plus those…

Beer And Medicines In Ancient Egypt

In Egypt of the yore, medicines were usually mixed with beer, wine, or honey, and each of these had their own medicinal properties. Beer was the most popular drink, frequently serving as one's wages, and was considered a gift from the gods…

Greek Balneotherapy Or Hydro-Medicine

The ancient Greeks appreciated the effects of a good, long soak. The Greek physician Hippocrates (460-377 B.C.) also wrote extensively about the healing power of water. Also known as hydrotherapy, Balneotherapy is hydro-medicine for…

Tattoos Linked To Cancer

Research by the European Chemicals Agency suggests that inks used in tattoos could cause cancer and one colour, red, is particularly toxic. Red ink has been linked to dermatitis, due to its mercury sulphide content, while red, blue, green…

Stay Safe, Green Fingers!

Working in the garden is a healthy pastime for people of all ages and abilities. But there is a downside to gardening. People, enthusiastic gardeners, often take a fall, cut themselves, drop something on their feet or hurt their backs.…

Learn To Centre Yourself

Many ancient therapies used today include the concept of ‘centring’ yourself. To be centred implies balance, calmness and mindfulness of the present moment, and is usually achieved by a combination of contemplation and controlled breathing.…