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Tattoos Linked To Cancer

Research by the European Chemicals Agency suggests that inks used in tattoos could cause cancer and one colour, red, is particularly toxic. Red ink has been linked to dermatitis, due to its mercury sulphide content, while red, blue, green…

Support Others To Boost Your Wellness

When it comes to your health, being willing to give social support to your spouse, friends and family may be just as important as receiving assistance, a new study from the Ohio State University suggests. Researchers decided to see if…

Clinical Decisions During Delivery

Clinical decisions made in the delivery setting as to whether to employ vaginal delivery or cesarean section are often made under high pressure, and with great uncertainty, and have serious consequences for mother and baby. Now, a new study…

Sun Screens Can Get Toxic

Oregon State University scientists say that sunscreen that includes zinc oxide, a common ingredient, loses much of its effectiveness and becomes toxic after two hours of exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The research, published in the…

Dairy Fat Not As Bad As Believed

New research amongst the world's biggest consumers of dairy foods has shown that those with higher intakes of dairy fat, measured by levels of fatty acids in the blood, had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease compared to those with low…

Common Weight Loss Drug Aids Heart Health

Researchers from the UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA, have announced successful results of a clinical trial for a commonly prescribed weight-loss drug called liraglutide, which, when combined with lifestyle interventions, significantly…

Air Pollution Impedes Mental Performance

Exposure to air pollution, even over the course of just a few weeks, can impede mental performance, according to a new Columbia University study, published in the journal ‘Nature Aging’. The pollution could include forest fires, smog,…

What Your Voice Says About You

Everyone has at some point been charmed by the sound of a person's voice. But can we believe our ears? What can a voice really reveal about our character? Now an international research team led by the University of Göttingen has shown that…

3D Print Pills Possible!

Customised medicines could one day be manufactured to patients' individual needs, with University of East Anglia (UEA) researchers investigating technology to 3D 'print' pills. The team identified a new additive manufacturing method to…

Your Co-workers Shape Your Food Choices

Will you choose a doughnut or a salad? Depends on what your colleague is having! New research, from the journal ‘Nature Human Behaviour’, says that the foods people buy at a workplace cafeteria may not always be because of preferences. When…

Help Seniors To Walk Faster

Being unable to walk quickly can be a problem, especially as people age. Engineers at Stanford University have tested how well a prototype exoskeleton system they have developed, which attaches around the shin and into a running shoe,…

Think Like Da Vinci

Education researchers from the Universities of Cambridge and Edinburgh argue that there is a compelling case for a drastic shake-up of the school curriculum, so that subjects are no longer taught independently of one another. Instead, the…

Remote Work: Mothers Bear The Brunt

For many parents, the COVID-19 pandemic has made life's everyday juggling act, managing work, school, extracurricular, and household responsibilities, much, much harder. And according to a new study led by Penn sociologists, those extra…

Brain Disease, Men & Women

A report from the American Institute of Physics says that gender differences play roles in how patients respond to brain diseases. Men and women are impacted differently by brain diseases, like Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.…

Leisure Reading Improves Language Skills

A new study from the Concordia University shows that the more people read any kind of fiction, the better their language skills are likely to be. Researchers have found that people who enjoy reading fiction for leisure and who identify as a…

What Causes IBS?

Researchers have identified the mechanism that explains why some people experience abdominal pain when they eat certain foods. Gastroenterologists at KU Leuven University in Belgium have revealed a mechanism that connects certain foods with…

Leisure Reading Improves Language Skills

A new study from the Concordia University shows that the more people read any kind of fiction, the better their language skills are likely to be. Researchers have found that people who enjoy reading fiction for leisure and who identify as a…