Eating Meat Made Us Human

Anthropologists have found evidence that meat was essential for the survival of our ancestors, over one and a half million years ago. Say anthropology researchers at the University of Colorado, meat eating has always been considered one of…

Extend The Olive Branch

In ancient Greece, oil pressed from olives was a prevalent source of fat for the population and was widely used because of the absence of butter. It was used in cooking as well as spread on bread. The nutritional value of olive oil has been…

Clinical Decisions During Delivery

Clinical decisions made in the delivery setting as to whether to employ vaginal delivery or cesarean section are often made under high pressure, and with great uncertainty, and have serious consequences for mother and baby. Now, a new study…

Figs Are Good…

Figs appear in the earliest recorded history with mentions in the Bible and other ancient writings. They were a staple food of both the rich and poor, providing energy and the highest mineral content of all common fruits. Cleopatra even…

Sun Screens Can Get Toxic

Oregon State University scientists say that sunscreen that includes zinc oxide, a common ingredient, loses much of its effectiveness and becomes toxic after two hours of exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The research, published in the…

Make Eating Special

Does your family sit down and eat together at least once a day? Or do you only get together over a Sunday lunch, or special occasions? If you live alone, do you eat ‘on the go’ or with a tray in front of the TV or your laptop? Try fitting…

How Ancient Celts Celebrated

Archaeologists excavating Iron-Age remains have concluded that they indulged in ‘competitive feasting’ and tried to out-do one another through drinking. Artefacts dating back over 2,600 years suggest beer was the ‘barbarian’s beverage’, the…

Have You Tried Teff?

Teff is one of the most ancient grains in the world, and also one of the smallest. Its name even comes from an old word ‘teffa’ meaning ‘lost’ because if you drop it on the ground you won't find it again! Teff originated in Ethiopia as a…

Dairy Fat Not As Bad As Believed

New research amongst the world's biggest consumers of dairy foods has shown that those with higher intakes of dairy fat, measured by levels of fatty acids in the blood, had a lower risk of cardiovascular disease compared to those with low…

The Safe Way to Light Up

Bonfires are a great way to deal with garden waste and people love the thrill of gathering around a bonfire with family and friends. However, if you are planning to light a bonfire in your garden, it’s important to plan ahead as many…

Detox Your Pantry

There’s a lot of conflicting information surrounding food, but some ingredients are definitely worth avoiding. Here are the seven worst ingredients that you must remove from your kitchen: High Fructose Corn Syrup is a cheap, toxic sugar…

The Milk Of Human Civilisation

When did we start drinking the milk of other animals? And how did the practice spread? A new study led by scientists from Germany and Kenya highlights the critical role of Africa in the story of dairying, showing that communities there were…

AI & Ancient Texts

The Abbey Library of St. Gall in Switzerland is home to approximately 160,000 volumes of manuscripts dating back to the 8th century - all hand-written on parchment, in languages not spoken in modern times. Now, researchers at University of…

Globalisation In The Old World

Using energy consumption as a measure, a team of international scientists has found that ancient civilisations engaged in globalisation more than previously believed, suggesting that an integrated global economy is nothing new and may have…

Common Weight Loss Drug Aids Heart Health

Researchers from the UT Southwestern Medical Center, USA, have announced successful results of a clinical trial for a commonly prescribed weight-loss drug called liraglutide, which, when combined with lifestyle interventions, significantly…

Ancient Mayans Had Fancy Water Filters

According to the University of Cincinnati, ancient Maya built sophisticated water filters in the once-bustling city of Tikal using natural materials they imported from miles away. A multidisciplinary team of UC anthropologists, geographers…

Here Comes The Light!

Says a study published in the journal PLOS ONE, researchers used archaeological evidence of lighting remains found across several Paleolithic caves featuring cave art in Southwest Europe to experimentally replicate the artificial lighting…

Prehistoric River Boss Ruled Waterways

A new species of large prehistoric croc that roamed south-east Queensland's waterways millions of years ago has been documented by University of Queensland researchers. One of the largest crocs to have ever inhabited the earth, the species…

Plan A Herb Garden

Installing a selection of herbs can transform your meals, save money, and have medicinal benefits. Transform a small patch of land in your backyard or balcony or go to town with a larger, impressive traditional herb garden in the form of a…